09.12.2008 | Новости от кафедр международного и европейского права (юридический факультет) и английского языка и межкультурной коммуникации (ФСИЯЛ) |
Вернувшись домой в г. Вашингтон, профессор Уильям Н. ЛаФордж поместил на портале своей юридической корпорации Винстед информацию о двухнедельном визите в наш университет (09-21.11.2008) в разделе Международные связи . Профессор ЛаФорж написал о программе пребывания в ПГУ, отметив, что юридический факультет Пермского является первым по рейтингу на Урале. Подобные отзывы повышают престиж нашего вуза за рубежом.
Ниже приводится его письмо:
Bill LaForge Serves as Visiting Professor of Law in Russia
For two weeks in November, Washington Managing Shareholder Bill LaForge
served as a visiting professor of law at Perm State University in Perm,
Russia. At the invitation of the Faculty of Law, Bill presented lectures
and seminars on a number of commercial and comparative law topics including
U.S. jurisprudence and legal processes, property law, torts, contracts, U.S.
constitutional law, civil and criminal procedure, banking, techniques of
advocacy, judicial independence, business-government relations, alternative
dispute resolution and criminal law.
Most students were 4th or 5th year law students (the European legal
education system is a 5-year program after high school), although students
from other disciplines such as economics, government and English
participated in a number of the classes.
Bill also met with various faculties of the university and with law firms,
judges and city administrative officials while in Perm. Additionally, he
had the opportunity to tour the last remaining Soviet gulag and Perm-36, the
infamous prison for political dissidents that closed in 1988.
Perm State University is considered the premier institution of higher
learning in the Ural Mountains region, and its law faculty is rated the best
in that part of Russia. As the eastern-most city in Europe, Perm is located
approximately 800 miles east of Moscow in the area popularly referred to as
Eurasia, and it is the gateway to Siberia.
Formerly called Molotov (after Stalin's foreign minister and the namesake
for the explosive "cocktail"), Perm was a huge part of the Soviet military
industry. The city was a major tank production center for the Soviets
during World War II, and later became famous for production of artillery and
rocket vehicles, intercontinental ballistic rocket launching systems, MIG
jetfighter engines and cannons of all ranges.
Due to its strategic nature, the Soviets went to great lengths to keep Perm
a secret by ensuring that the city did not even appear on many Soviet-made
maps. Today Perm is a major metropolitan area of more than 1 million
people, and it boasts some of the best opera, ballet and museums in Russia.
Boris Pasternak lived and wrote Dr. Zhivago in Perm.
Bill's visiting professorship was coordinated by the Center for
International Legal Studies (CILS) headquartered in Salzburg, Austria. The
unique program places senior American lawyers in law schools in Eastern
European and former Soviet-bloc countries to teach U.S. law. Participating
U.S. attorneys provide their time, research, lectures, seminars, travel and
other expenses pro-bono. Bill has previously taught in Bulgaria and Poland.
For more information on CILS, go to http://www.cils.org
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