Центрально-Европейский Университет предлагает проекты, поддерживающие приглашение западных лекторов для чтения лекций в университетах России

Special Projects Office (SPO) is pleased to announce the Hosting a CEU Lecturer program, which enables institutions of Higher Education in the region to receive CEU professors for short lecturing visits. SPO pays all travel costs and provides money for accommodation, if needed. For more details and application form for institutions, please see http://www.ceu.hu/sep/spo/lmobility.html#AF


Any university in Central and Eastern Europe (EU - in exceptional cases), former Soviet Union and Mongolia may request a visit of a CEU lecturer. Strong preference will be given to OSI's Higher Education Support Program's Network Institutions. Please see the list here: http://www.soros.org/initiatives/hesp/contact/network_institutions


Applications are considered on a rolling basis.


For inquiries, please contact Leila Tanayeva Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра..



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