Версия для слабовидящих

Рабочие программы дисциплин

Course abstracts (sig)

Basics of Russian Statehood (sig)
Basics of the Project Management (sig)
Foreign Language (English) (sig)
History of Russia (sig)
Life safety (sig)
Logics (sig)
Philosophy (sig)
Physical training (sig)
Sport (sig)
Sociology (sig)
Русский язык и деловая коммуникация (sig)
Accountancy (sig)
Analyzing Data in Python (sig)
Basic Accounting (sig)
Econometrics (sig)
Economic analysis (sig)
Economics of organization (enterprise) (sig)
Finance (sig)
General theory of statistics (sig)
Informatics (sig)
Information systems in management (sig)
Legal regulation of professional activity (sig)
Macroeconomics (sig)
Management (sig)
Marketing (sig)
Mathematics (sig)
Methods of statistical research in Economics (sig)
Microeconomics (sig)
Statistics (sig)
Tax and Taxation (sig)
Taxation of Organization (sig)
Behavioral Economics (sig)
Customs (sig)
Economic Support of Decision-making on the Basis of Corporate Information Systems (sig)
Economics of Foreign trade (sig)
Foreign economic activity of enterprise (sig)
Fundamentals of Finansial Literacy (sig)
Global Challenges and Sustainable Development (sig)
History of Economic Thought (sig)
International Financial Markets (sig)
International labor markets and labor mobility (sig)
International monetary relations (sig)
Introduction to specialty (sig)
Labor economics (sig)
Start-up Organisation (sig)
Technical and Economic Design (sig)
English for effective communication (sig)
English for public speaking (sig)
Innovative economy and technological entrepreneurship (sig)
Man in the environment (sig)
Politics in the modern world (sig)
Sphere of concepts of the Russian language (sig)
Digital Intelligence for life and career (sig)
Emotional intelligence in professional activity (sig)
Financial Statement Analysis (sig)
Institutional Economy (sig)
Information Management (sig)
International Financial Reporting Standarts (sig)
Economy of Russia (sig)
Investment Project Management. International Experience (sig)
Information Security in Business (sig)
Internal planning (sig)
Economics of Oil and Gas Business (sig)
Intellectual entrepreneurship (sig)
Business analysis of information (sig)
Global Business Environment (sig)
Cost management and controlling (sig)
International Corporations in the modern World (sig)
Applied Analysis of Industry Markets (sig)
Modern Computing Technologies in Analysis and Forecasting of Social and Economic Processes (sig)